
Debi CircleWelcome to my web page! My name is Debi Circle. Over the past nearly 15 years, I have worked with a variety of ages, (male and female) but specifically I love to work with women ages 25-40, who are in the stage of their lives to be making life altering decisions, personally or professionally. However, due to earlier profound loss or trauma, they feel unable to move forward and make healthy, confident decisions. Most of us have experienced some sort of loss or trauma in our lives. However, many of us don’t even realize how traumatic circumstances or loss has impacted our emotions, thoughts, and behaviors until we begin to uncover it and process it. Please visit the pages on Trauma and Grief to understand more of its impact on our lives.

Debi has helped me work through many life issues – relationships and loss, working for a difficult boss, selling and buying a home – and has helped me better understand and address my fears. Debi is caring, empathetic and helpful and I feel very lucky to work with her on a regular basis. I am living a more fulfilling and healthy life because of my work with Debi.

Asking for help can be difficult for many people, especially if you are feeling overwhelmed, distracted, depressed or worried. A phrase I often hear is, “I should be able to figure this out for myself“.  But, now you feel there are some issues that you could benefit from an objective and trained professional. Sometimes a therapist is just the right relationship for those issues. I can help!

I offer a 30-minute complimentary consultation, either by phone or in person. Call me at 303-514-4732 or click here to contact me.

Come in for Compassion, Leave with Confidence